Мария Захарова о DW

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Германский официоз и медийный бомонд, судя по всему, пребывают в состоянии, близком к кататоническому ступору. Изо дня в день они рассказывали немцам, что РT – рупор российской вредоносной пропаганды, инструмент вмешательства в демократические процессы, смутьян и провокатор, да что угодно, но только не СМИ.
И что же? РT на немецком оказался первым в списке самых популярных СМИ в местных соцсетях, обойдя «Бильд», «Дер Шпигель», «Ди Вельт» и прочих мастодонтов, многие из которых, к слову, с задором подключились к гонениям на российского конкурента. Нет худа без добра, Читать далее «Мария Захарова о DW»

Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts

Dan Cohen reveals the network of foreign strategists, DC lobbyists, and intelligence-linked media behind the propaganda effort in Ukraine.
— Weiterlesen www.mintpressnews.com/ukraine-propaganda-war-international-pr-firms-dc-lobbyists-cia-cutouts/280012/

WASHINGTON DC — Since the Russian offensive inside Ukraine commenced on February 24, the Ukrainian military has cultivated the image of a plucky little army standing up to the Russian Goliath. To bolster the perception of Ukrainian military mettle, Kiev has churned out a steady stream of sophisticated propaganda aimed at stirring public and official support from Western countries.

The campaign includes language guides, key messages, and hundreds of propaganda Читать далее «Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts»

Hunter Biden helped secure millions in funding for military biotech research program in Ukraine | Daily Mail Online

Email emails and correspondence obtained by DailyMail.com from Hunter’s abandoned laptop show he helped secure millions for Metabiota.
— Weiterlesen www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10652127/Hunter-Biden-helped-secure-millions-funding-military-biotech-research-program-Ukraine.html

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president
The Russian government held a press conference Thursday claiming that Hunter Biden helped finance a US military ‘bioweapons’ research program in Ukraine
However the allegations were branded a brazen propaganda ploy to justify president Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and sow discord in the US
But emails and correspondence obtained by DailyMail.com from Hunter’s abandoned laptop show the claims may well be true
The emails show Hunter helped secure millions of dollars of funding Читать далее «Hunter Biden helped secure millions in funding for military biotech research program in Ukraine | Daily Mail Online»

Unione Sindacale di Base: Dall’aeroporto di Pisa armi all’Ucraina mascherate da “aiuti umanitari”: i lavoratori rifiutano di caricare gli aerei. Sabato 19 manifestazione USB al Galilei

Alcuni lavoratori dell’aeroporto civile Galileo Galilei di Pisa ci hanno informato di un fatto gravissimo: dal Cargo Village sito presso l’Aeroporto civile partono voli “umanitari”, che dovrebbero essere riempiti di vettovaglie, viveri, medicinali e …
— Weiterlesen www.usb.it/leggi-notizia/dallaeroporto-di-pisa-armi-allucraina-mascherate-da-aiuti-umanitari-i-lavoratori-rifiutano-di-caricare-gli-aerei-sabato-19-manifestazione-usb-al-galilei-2017-1.html

«Weckruf»: KI entwickelt 40.000 potenzielle Chemiewaffen in sechs Stunden

Ein Forschungsteam hat eine KI aus der Medikamentenentwicklung angewiesen, Nervengifte zu entwickeln. Das Ergebnis sei ein «Weckruf» für die Branche.
18.03.2022 09:58 Uhr
Martin Holland
Eine KI, die eigentlich bei der Entwicklung von Medikamenten gefährliche Nebenwirkungen ausschließen soll, hat innerhalb weniger Stunden Zehntausende potenziell tödliche chemische Verbindungen identifiziert. Das hat das verantwortliche Forschungsteam nun erläutert und spricht von einem «Weckruf».

Zwar sei immer noch Expertise in den Feldern Chemie und Toxikologie nötig Читать далее ««Weckruf»: KI entwickelt 40.000 potenzielle Chemiewaffen in sechs Stunden»